
Care Home Owners: Building Performance and Cost Needn’t be a Trade Off

With traditional methods of construction, significantly improving the thermal performance of a new build meant significantly increasing the cost by adding greater insulation and air-tightness to the structure. The alternative was to go for a lower initial build cost and accept that heating bills and running costs would be higher.

Not being able to square this circle probably resulted in care home capacity that could have been provided, remaining unbuilt. Care homes obviously need to be warm. Owners are probably all too aware of how much of their running costs go on energy bills.

No doubt there was also a perceived risk that the design levels of thermal insulation would never be achieved in practice, even if they spent the extra on the build.

Growing awareness of the capabilities of panelised offsite construction, such as the Innovaré hybrid system of SIP panels and precast concrete floors, is changing that.

Thermal Performance Designed-in

A chief difference is that excellent thermal performance is inherent within the panels that form the structure. It doesn’t come from additional treatments or layers that need to be applied onsite. Everything is made in a modern precision-controlled manufacturing environment to very fine tolerances. High levels of thermal performance are assured without adding cost or uncertainty about the resulting performance.

With the Innovare System there is also a single partner for design, manufacture and installation. There is clear accountability for ensuring the building delivers what was promised. This single chain of custody also gives unprecedented levels of certainty when it comes to the build programme. This takes another significant risk out of the equation: a delayed build that stalls the revenue and return on the investment.

The flexibility of the building system also allows for imaginative use of natural light, which can be designed into walls and roofs to further reduce energy costs through solar gain and reduced need for artificial light.

Achieving sustainability and energy efficiency are key drivers behind our business. It’s one of the reasons we choose to create buildings in this way

The System is a proven solution for care homes.  And working with a partner that supports the entire process makes offsite not only attainable but a natural choice for new care home capacity.

If you’re looking for greater certainty in your business case for expanding care home capacity talk to our expert design team at Innovaré on 0845 674 0020 or visit our website for more information.


External Walls

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