The need for speed, simplicity and cost certainty has seen offsite construction increasingly adopted for education build programmes. The clear advantages often mean the debate isn’t about whether or not to use an offsite solution, but which specific method is most suitable.
Broadly speaking the choice is between a volumetric or panelised approach. Volumetric involves more or less complete building units being shipped on the back of a truck and being craned into position on site. Several units can be fitted together to quickly create a larger structure.
Flexibility – Precision-Made Panels
Panelised methods create the building structure from large format panels or SIPs. These are precision-made in a factory and assembled on site. The panels can include roof and floor sections as well as external and internal walls.
Volumetric is centered on speed. But there is a trade-off when it comes to flexibility. Building designs must conform to standard units which may not be the optimum solution bearing in mind the site constraints such as size, shape and orientation and the nature of existing school buildings.
Flexibility – Design and Finish
Panelised offsite construction is a rapid building technology, typically saving 30% – 50% of the build schedule compared to traditional methods. It is also extremely flexible.
Panels can be configured to whatever size and shape is needed to suit the site dimensions and the needs of the customer. The required thermal and acoustic properties are engineered into the panel design for guaranteed performance.
Panelised offsite also allows a wide range of external finishes including rain screen, render and brick so that new buildings blend with the existing ones and the local aesthetic.
Where education building projects call for speed but without compromising on the design, dimensions, configuration or finish, the preferred option is the panelised approach. You can find several case studies that showcase some of our many education projects on our website.