
The DfE Framework Offers Practical Lessons In Carbon Reduction

Despite the growing climate emergency and plenty of talk about low carbon construction, practical examples are the exception rather than the rule in many sectors. Education seems to be a welcome exception and possibly points the way for others.

The need for systematic action to minimise global warming is urgent. It’s also recognised that the built environment is a major contributor to the UK’s carbon emissions. So you might expect that, at the very least, the overwhelming majority of new homes would achieve EPC ‘A’. In fact during the third quarter of 2021 just 14% of new homes achieved this standard.

EPC ratings are a start, but they’re based on standardised assessments that don’t fully reflect real world energy use. They also say nothing about embodied carbon. And we know that the vast majority of these homes will have been constructed using traditional methods and materials with high levels of embodied carbon.

Climate emergency or not, there’s no general requirement for net zero operational emissions for new homes or commercial buildings.

The Education Benchmark

The DfE Framework for school building programmes represents a significant change in the approach to carbon accounting and low carbon construction. There’s a specific requirement for new buildings to achieve net zero carbon in operation as defined by Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework Definition UK Green Building Council (UK GBC).

Developers also have to report on the total embodied carbon. While there’s no requirement to meet a specific value, having embodied carbon calculated according to a standard methodology allows procurement teams to evaluate whole-life carbon objectively. Working with KLH Consultancy, Innovaré has developed an embodied carbon calculator tool that you might find helpful.

The DfE specification also sets out specific requirements for U values and airtightness. It states that thermal bridging should be designed-out through robust detailing. These are far more specific standards than EPC ratings. They’re also the types of things that offsite construction using SIPs does extremely effectively.

The DfE framework sets a standard that will make a significant impact on carbon emissions. It’s an example that others must follow if we are to achieve a net zero carbon built environment.

If you want to understand and reduce the carbon impact of new buildings or retrofit programmes visit our resource centre. Or contact (enquiries@innovaresystems.co.uk) for more information.


External Walls

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