
Why BIM and Offsite Construction are the Perfect Combination for Education Projects

More than anything else, education building projects need certainty. Capital budgets are tight and not very flexible, and term dates can’t shift just because buildings aren’t ready or are beset by technical hitches. In this demanding commercial environment, BIM coupled with offsite construction offers a double guarantee over building performance and delivery.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) brings greater certainty into construction projects. Detailed 3D design models provide a realistic sense of how buildings will look, internally and externally and give a more definitive picture of how they will be constructed. Potential clashes and technical problems can be identified in the design phase and resolved so that they don’t cause delays.

There is also greater clarity over how technical specifications will be met. Adding the fourth dimension of time will, in principle, allow more accurate scheduling of diverse operations, trades and material deliveries. Beyond the project, there should be a detailed archive of project data to simplify future repair and maintenance operations.

That’s all fine in theory. But for these potential benefits to become reality the construction and design methodologies need to be in step. 4D modelling will still struggle if there are materials or labour shortages or poor weather that brings onsite work to a halt. Building an information archive is more challenging if there are multiple contractors using different systems and standards.

Offsite Manufacturing and BIM

Panelised offsite construction is a 3D design-led process. The whole point is to minimise the number and complexity of operations that have to be carried out onsite. Technical performance is designed into the building fabric and design engineers have to resolve all the details of how the structure fits together before any panels are made.

The principles of BIM level 2 are inherent in the way that panelised offsite construction has always worked – it is based on collaborative working and data sharing. Adding the additional dimension of time is also more feasible in a controlled production process that isn’t weather dependent and where follow-on operations are minimised.

BIM and Offsite in Action

Using BIM level 2 and the Innovaré System made a significant difference to the Glasdir School project. Collaborative working with contractors Wynne Construction and architects Lovelock Mitchell led to a completed design that met the customer’s performance requirements being finalised 9 months before construction started. The main structure was completed in just 13 weeks, 55% faster than traditional construction methods.

The project is a perfect illustration of how collaborative working in a BIM environment, coupled with modern construction methods, delivers tangible benefits for education building projects.

To find out more about how to utilise BIM and offsite manufacturing for your next project, contact us today.


External Walls

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