
Construction Innovation with Purpose Delivers Progress

How often do products (tech gadgets in particular) come with new features that leave us all wondering what problem they were trying to solve? Plenty of new features – but nobody’s life gets any better or easier. That isn’t how to do innovation.

When Innovaré introduces construction product innovations there’s always a clear purpose. When we introduced i-FAST panels alongside our standard product it was for applications that needed enhanced Fire, Acoustic, Structural and Thermal properties, such as school building programmes.

And now we have the psi-FAST system. A main driver for this latest technical innovation is to give enhanced control over psi values. This is a measure of the heat lost through non repeating thermal bridges such as columns, lintels, window jambs, corner junctions or roof eaves. These can all compromise the integrity of the thermal envelope.

Construction Innovation Closes the Performance Gap

Adding the psi-value to the U-value gives a reliable measure of the total fabric heat loss, which helps to eliminate the ‘performance gap’ between a building’s real world and theoretical energy performance.

Low carbon and net zero need to exist in the real world to make a difference. The panels are designed to meet existing specifications such as DfE Spec 21 and to have the capability to meet more stringent regulations that will inevitably follow.

In practical terms, buildings created using psi-FAST panels will be more resilient to climate change and cost significantly less to heat and cool. This applies whether you’re counting costs in monetary or sustainability terms.

The panels incorporate two layers of thermally isolated studs. These separate the internal load bearing elements from the external cladding support. A central core layer of insulation is bridged only minimally at panel edges giving an extremely low U-value and driving down the average fabric heat loss to 0.15 W/m²K.

The timber elements help to limit the overall levels of embodied carbon in the final build. Meanwhile the structural integrity allows elements such as windows and doors to be pre installed to save time and increase the overall pre-manufactured value (PMV). There’s also a factory-installed vapour control layer to limit any issues with condensation and mould.


External Walls

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.