
Innovaré awarded first Flexihome pilot scheme

The development of six new affordable homes on a former garage site in Leamington Spa was approved at a virtual meeting of Warwick District Council’s Planning Committee on 17 June.

The decision makes way for the Council to progress with plans to increase their stock of energy efficient and environmentally friendly properties, which can then be offered as affordable housing.

The new homes on land east of Turpin Court in the centre of Leamington Spa will provide two 1-bedroom bungalows and four 2-bedroom properties along with associated infrastructure including electric charge points, plot-specific cycle storage and accessible parking bays. The design of the buildings seeks to diversify the type of homes built in the District both in design and construction.

The houses will be built using timber structurally insulated panels, produced by Innovaré Offsite Ltd, based at Middlemarch Business Park. This partnership means that the new properties will be both manufactured and built in the district, adopting modern methods of construction to deliver energy efficient, spacious homes of a contemporary design.

Warwick District Council’s portfolio holder for Housing Services, Cllr Jan Matecki commented; 

“I’m very pleased that this exciting new Council-led housing development will soon be underway, not only increasing our stock to include more affordable and energy efficient housing, but giving more local people the opportunity to live in a spacious, centrally located and beautifully designed new home.”

Innovaré’s Managing Director of Peter Blunt commented;

“This is the start of an exciting partnership between Warwick District Council and Innovaré that will deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to the area. In addition, I’m proud that our team get to see their work benefit the local community through the manufacture and construction of the energy efficient homes they produce.”

Warwick District Council will continue working with Innovare to prepare for building work which is due to start later this year.

Click here to find out more about Flexihomes by Innovaré

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